March 23, 2025
Palaeognathae, Tinamiformes, Tinamidae: Bertelli et al. (2025) suggested fundamental taxonomic rearrangements in tinamous. Most importantly, the authors disentangled the perceived misapplication of Tinamus to various tinamid taxa, concluding that Tinamus Hermann, 1783 is valid with type species soui Hermann, 1783 currently placed in Crypturellus. As a consequence, it would be necessary to reassign current Crypturellus to Tinamus Hermann, and former invalid Tinamus Latham to Pezus Spix, 1825 [Note, however, that Jimmy Gaudin pointet out to me that the latter must be replaced by Crypturus Illiger, 1811, because it is a new name for Tinamus Latham, 1790, which has the same type species, Tetrao major Gmelin, 1789]. In addition, the authors proposed a new genus, Paranothoprocta, for the Brushland Tinamou, while missing to propose a new genus for Nothura species (to the exclusion of boraquira). However, there is no reason to treat these cases differently, because both new genera would be of approximately the same age. I updated my tinamid classification accordingly. (abstract)
January 10, 2025
Columbaves, Columbimorphae, Columbiformes, Columbidae: Based on whole genome sequencing, Oswald et al. (2025) clarified the phylogenetic position of the Blue-headed Quail-dove, Starnoenas cyanocephala. (pdf) According to their results, this Cuba-endemic species represents the sister group to the Columbinae, and thus deserves subfamily status. I adjusted my columbid timetree accordingly. [Thanks for pointing out Jim]
November 17, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Passerida, Emberizoidea, Parulidae: Based on thousands of UCEs and mitogenomes, Zhao et al. (2025) studied the phylogeny of the New World warblers/wood-warblers. (abstract) (graphical abstract) In their nearly complete species-level phylogeny, most traditional genera proved to be monophyletic, with Basileuterus being the only exception. The phylogenetic placement of several taxa remains unresolved (cf. polytomies in supplementary figure S3). I adjusted my parulid classification according to the graphical abstract, highlighting uncertain relationships by question marks.
October 07, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Muscicapida, Muscicapoidea, Sturnidae sensu lato: Considering five newly sequenced mitogenomes, Han et al (2024) provided an updated phylogeny of Buphagidae, Mimidae and Sturnidae. (free pdf) I updated the respective passerine families accordingly.
July 31, 2024
Australaves, Psittaciformes: Based on available genome-wide markers (and integrating sequences of four additional species), Smith et al. (2024)
provided both a timetree and a revised classification for parrots.
(free pdf) I adjusted my psittaciform phylogeny and classification accordingly.
June 30, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Passerida, Passeridae: Based on novel mitogenome sequences and genome-wide SNP data for all snowfinch species endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Islam et al. (2024) provided a revised phylogeny of snowfinches. (free reading)
June 09, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Sylviida, Hirundinidae: Based on thousands of UCEs, Schield et al (2024) provided an updated timetree of the swallows and allies (Hirundinidae). The genus Phedina proved to be non-monophyletic. A taxonomic solution, however, still has to be proposed. (journal abstract) (author pdf)
April 10, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Passerida, Emberizoidea, Cardinalidae, Habia: Scott et al. (2024) proposed a new genus, Driophlox, for four species currently assigned to the genus Habia Blyth, 1840. (abstract)
April 02, 2024
Higher phylogeny: Based on 63,430 intergenic DNA sequences of 363 bird species representing 218 families, Stiller et al. (2024) provided an updated order-level avian timetree, recognising four main clades of Neoaves: Mirandornithes, Columbaves, Telluraves, and the new Elementaves (preview pdf). I adjusted my order-level timetree accordingly. As a byproduct of the same study, Mirarab et al. (2024) reported that a ~21-Mb region on chicken chromosome 4 shows a phylogenetic signal strongly supporting an alternative phylogeny, placing Columbimorphae as sister to Mirandornithes. (pdf)
March 16, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Passerida, Estrildoidea, Prunellidae, Prunella: Based on the study of thousands of genome-wide intronic and exonic loci, Jiang et al (2024) provided an updated phylogeny of the accentors. (free pdf)
March 16, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Sylviida, Sylvioidea, Zosteropidae: Based on three mitochondrial genes (ND2, Cyt b, COI), Vinciguerra et al. (2023) provided a timetree of white-eyes, sampling all genera except Rukia and almost 90% of species. (abstract)
March 14, 2024
Accipitriformes, Accipitridae, Harpiinae: To insure nomenclatural stability, Gregory et al. (2024) suggested Harpiinae Verheyen, 1959 (1850) as a replacement name for Thrasaetinae Blyth, 1850. (pdf) I adjusted my accipitrid classification accordingly.
February 16, 2024
Higher phylogeny: Based on the comparative analysis of genomes of 118 species across all 35 Neognathae orders, with six palaeognath and one crocodilian species serving as outgroups, Wu et al. (2024) published an order-level avian phylogeny. (pdf) I adjusted my "Higher phylogeny" timetree and classification accordingly.
February 13, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passerides, Passerida, Emberizoidea, Emberiza: Zhang et al. (2023) provided convincing evidence that Emberiza godlewskii is monophyletic and that Emberiza cia is its closest relative. These results are based on autosomal and Z chromosomal nuclear sequence data. Mitogenomes and non-recombining W chromosomes, however, were subjected to ILS and/or introgression leading to wrong phylogenetic inferences. (abstract)
February 10, 2024
Gruimorphae, Gruiformes, Rallidae, Porphyrio: Based on mitochondrial sequence data from the large flightless takahē, Porphyrio hochstetteri, and from subfossils of the extinct moho, Porphyrio mantelli, Verry et al. (2023) provided evidence that they are sister species that separated from a common ancestor ~1,5 mya. The flighted ancestor probably colonised New Zealand ~4 mya. In addition, the study corroborates existing ideas on intrinsic Porphyrio relationships. (free pdf)
February 09, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passerides, Muscicapida, Certhioidea, Troglodytidae: Based on a multilocus supermatrix from published and newly generated sequence data, Imfeld et al. (2024) provided a comprehensive species-level phylogeny of the wrens. Several currently recognised species turned out not to be monophyletic, a phenomenon that is particularly obvious in the genus Henicorhina. In addition, the authors proposed a new unranked clade name, Orthourae, for the taxon comprising the wrens (Troglodytidae) and gnatcatchers/gnatwrens (Polioptilidae). Due to the lack of morphological characters, the authors selected three unreversed amino acid changes of the RAG1 protein as autapomorphies defining the new taxon. (abstract)
February 08, 2024
Columbimorphae, Columbiformes, Columbidae, Raphinae, Ptilinopini, Ptilinopus: Based on thousands of UCEs, Nash et al. (2024) provided informtion on the phylogenetic relationships among 25 (out of ~55) species of Ptilinopus fruit doves. In particular, they clarified the position of the Negros Fruit Dove, Ptilinopus arcanus, a species known only from a single specimen collected on Negros Island, Philippines in 1953. In addition, the authors corroborated earlier findings that Drepanoptila holosericea and Alectroenas pulcherrimus should be included in the genus Ptilinopus to render it monophyletic. (abstract)
January 30, 2024
Palaeognathae, Struthioniformes, Tinamidae: Based on a comparison of BUSCOs and UCEs of varying flanking lengths, in their preprint paper Musher et al. (2024) confirmed existing ideas on the intrinsic phylogeny of tinamous. In particular, they corroborated the non-monophyly of two genera, suggesting to move Nothoprocta cinerascens to Rhynchotus, and Taoniscus nanus to Nothura. Moreover, the authors provided evidence that Nothoprocta pentlandii may not be monophyletic. (pdf)
January 28, 2024
Gruimorphae, Gruiformes, Rallidae: Three family-group names that have been introduced by Livezey (1998) proved to be unavailable. Sangster et al. (2024) provided a formal description to render these taxa available for classification. In addition, the authors clarified the uncertainties concerning Zapornia vs. Amaurornis akool. (pdf) I adjusted my rallid classification accordingly.
January 09, 2024
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Passerida, Fringillidae: Utilising nextRAD and mitochondrial ND2 data, Vázquez-López et al. (2024) provided a timetree-based ancestral range reconstruction of the true finch subfamily Euphoniinae. The authors also provided a taxonomic revision of the subfamily suggesting to split the genera Chlorophonia and Euphonia. (free pdf)
December 23, 2023
Australaves, Psittaciformes, Cacatuidae, Calyptorhynchinae: Reviewing the taxonomy of the black cockatoos, Saunders et al. (2023) found the subfamily to be represented by two genera: six species in Calyptorhynchus (characterised by red subterminal tail bands) and five species in Zanda (characterised by white or yellow subterminal tail bands). (free pdf) I adjusted both my psittaciform timetree and classification accordingly.
November 27, 2023
Coraciimorphae, Trogoniformes, Trogonidae: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed a new family-group name, Apalodermatinae, for the African trogons, and clarified the authorship of Harpactini. (pdf) I adjusted my trogonid classification accordingly.
November 17, 2023
Columbimorphae, Columbiformes, Columbidae: In their biogeographical analysis of pigeons and doves (free pdf), Oliver et al. (2023) provided a supermatrix timetree [supplementary material figure S2, (docx)]. I adjusted my columbid timetree accordingly.
November 17, 2023
Australaves, Psittaciformes: Gregory & Sangster (2023) provided convincing evidence that Androglossini Sundevall, 1872 and Microglossini Hogg, 1846 should not have replaced Amazonini Mathews & Iredale, 1920 and Proboscigerini Mathews, 1916, respectively. (pdf)
November 17, 2023
Galloanserae, Galliformes, Phasianidae: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed a new family-group name, Ithaginini, for the Blood Pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus) and resurrected Lerwini for the Snow Partridge (Lerwa lerwa). (pdf) [comment: Jimmy Gaudin pointed out to me that Ithaginini is already available from des Murs, 1886]
November 14, 2023
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passerides, Muscicapida, Muscicapoidea, Muscicapidae: Tilsley & Gaudin (2023) proposed a new genus name, Karoocichla, for the Karoo Scrub Robin, because the earlier proposed name Salsolicola Oatley, 2004 was preoccupied by Salsolicola Kuznetsov, 1960 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). (link)
November 14, 2023
Australaves, Passeriformes, Tyranni, Tyrannida, Pipridae: van Els et al. (2023) proposed a new genus, Protopelma, for the Serra do Mar Tyrant-manakin, Neopelma chrysolophum. (link)
November 10, 2023
Galloanserae, Galliformes: Integrating new UCE data of 14 additional galliform species, Chen et al. (2021) provided an updated timetree of landfowl. The authors placed special emphasis on divergence-time estimation, suggesting a crown-clade age of 71,5 million years. (free pdf) I adjusted my galliform timetree accordingly.
November 08, 2023
Australaves, Psittaciformes: Using UCEs from 96% of the clade’s species-level diversity, Smith et al. (2023) provided an updated timetree (suppl. figure S27) and higher-level taxonomy (fig. 4) of the parrots. (free pdf) I adjusted my parrot timetree accordingly.
November 05, 2023
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Passerides, Sylviida, Sylvioidea, Zosteropidae: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed a new genus, Stictocerthia, for Dasycrotapha plateni and D. pygmaea. (pdf) [Thanks for pointing out Jim]
November 05, 2023
Australaves, Passeriformes, Tyranni, Furnariida, Furnariidae: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed a new genus of ovenbirds, Neophilydor, for Philydor erythrocercum and P. fuscipenne. (pdf)
October 13, 2023
Strisores, Caprimulgiformes, Caprimulgidae: Based on the results of two phylogenetic studies published years ago, Costa et al. (2023) proposed a taxonomic revision of an unnamed clade of South American nightjars. The authors resurrected several previously used generic names and introduced two new ones. (pdf) I adjusted my caprimulgid taxonomy accordingly. [Thanks for pointing out Jim]
October 02, 2023
Australaves, Psittaciformes, Psittacidae, Arinae: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed two family-group names, Forpini and Touitini, because previously introduced names for these tribes proved to be unavailable. (pdf) [Thanks for pointing out Jim]
August 28, 2023
Aequornithes, Pelecanifomes, Ardeidae, Agamia agami: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed a new family-group name, Agamiinae, for the Agami Heron. (pdf)
August 17, 2023
Australaves, Passeriformes, Passeri, Meliphagida, Meliphagidae, Pycnopygius: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed a new genus of honeyeaters, Pinarostola gen. nov., for Pycnopygius cinereus and P. ixoides. (free pdf)
August 05, 2023
Accipitriformes, Accipitridae: [bioRxiv preprint] Based on a combination of two datasets (a backbone of UCEs of 120 species, supplemented by publicly available
Sanger gene sequences that are referred to as legacy markers by the authors), Catanach et al. (2023) provided an updated timetree as well as a genus-level taxonomic revision of
the accipitrids. In total, the study considers 236 ingroup species, representing ~90% of recognised species. (link) I adjusted my accipitriform timetree according to the new results.
July 07, 2023
Musophagotides, Otidiformes, Otididae, Neotis nuba: Collar & Kirwan (2023) proposed a new genus, Nubotis gen. nov., for the Nubian Bustard. (abstract) [thanks again for pointing out, Jim!]
June 30, 2023
Suliformes, Phalacrocoracidae, Microcarbo: Based on DNA sequence data of five mitochondrial and five nuclear genes, Kennedy et al. (2023) proposed a timetree of the microcormorants, genus Microcarbo. The authors found a deep split (~12 Mya) between the African and the remaining species. As a consequence, they proposed to place the African species in a separate genus, Afrocarbo gen. nov. (free pdf) I rearranged my suliform timetree accordingly. [thanks for pointing out, Jim]
June 06, 2023
Passeriformes, Passerides, Passerida, Prunellidae, Prunella: Based on all protein-coding mitochondrial genes, Zang et al. (2023) provided an updated timetree of the accentors. The authors recognised 12 species without commenting on species boundaries. A clade of large-sized species (subgenus Laiscopus) proved to be sister to a clade of small-sized species (subgenus Prunella). (view pdf)
May 24, 2023
Charadriiformes, Charadrii, Burhinidae, Burhinus: Černý et al. (2023) proposed the new genus name Hesperoburhinus for the two Neotropical thickknee species "Burhinus" bistriatus and "Burhinus" superciliaris, because in a previous publication (Černý & Natale, 2022) the traditional genus Burhinus proved to be paraphyletic with respect to the genus Esacus. (pdf) I updated my Charadrii timetree accordingly. [Thanks for pointing out Jim!]
May 18, 2023
Passeriformes, Passeri, Corvides, Corvoidea, Sylviida, Laniidae, Platylophidae, Corvidae, Eurocephalus: Based on 2,500 UCEs, McCullough et al. (2023) investigated the genus-level relationships within shrikes (Laniidae), crows (Corvidae) and their allies. The authors corroborate earlier findings that Platylophidae, represented by the genus Platylophus, is the sistergroup to Laniidae. In addition, they found a sistergroup relationship between Corvidae and the white-crowned shrikes, genus Eurocephalus, two African species for which they proposed a new family, Eurocephalidae. (link) With some hesitation, a included the new family in my passeriform timetree.
May 16, 2023
Passeriformes, Passerides, Sylviida, Alaudidae: Based on two different datasets, one represented by the mitochondrial CYB gene and 16 nuclear loci, and the other represented by genome-wide SNPs, Alström et al. (2023) investigated the species-level phylogeny of the larks. All currently recognised species except Mirafra pulpa were considered (92 out of 93). As a result, the authors propose a new subfamily classification (Alaudinae, Certhilaudinae, and Mirafrinae) and a division of the traditional genus Mirafra into four genera. Interestingly, due to the lack of morphological characters distinguishing the three subfamilies, molecular apomorphies were included in the respective diagnoses. (link)
May 09, 2023
Piciformes, Capitonidae, Ramphastidae, and Semnornithidae: Based on a combination of ~2,500 UCEs and all 13 protein-coding mitochondrial genes, Ostrow et al. (2023) investigated the species-level phylogeny of toucans, toucan-barbets, and New World barbets. The authors largely corroborated existing phylogenetic assumptions, but found Selenidera toucanets to be paraphyletic with respect to Andigena mountain-toucans. (abstract) In my piciform timetree, I indicated the proven non-monophyly of the genus Selenidera by using quotation marks (awaiting future taxonomic adjustments).
May 02, 2023
Strisores, Trochilidae, Trochilinae, Trochilini: Sangster et al. (2023) proposed a new genus, Dicranurania, for the Mexican Woodnymph (Thalurania ridgwayi), which in another study proved to be sister to the genus Eupherusa. The authors based their decision to create a new monotypic genus on the presence of a forked tail and distinct colouration. However, the degree of genetic differentiation or clade age were not taken into account. (pdf)
April 12, 2023
Gruimorphae, Gruiformes, Rallidae: Based on mitochondrial and nuclear data, Depino et al. (2023) provided new information on the phylogeny of the rallid tribe Laterallini, including for the first time sequences of Coturnicops notatus, Laterallus levraudi, L. jamaicensis tuerosi, and L. xenopterus. The genera Laterallus and Coturnicops turned out to be non-monophyletic. However, a taxonomic revision of the tribe is still pending. (link) In my rallid cladogram I indicated the non-monophyly of the respective genera by using quotation marks.
April 03, 2023
Aequornithes, Ciconiiformes, Ciconiidae: Based on two mitochondrial gene sequences (CYB and COI barcode), Corrêa de Sousa et al. (2023) provided an updated phylogeny of the storks. (free pdf) I rearranged my ciconiid cladogram accordingly.
January 27, 2023
Aequornithes, Pelecaniformes, Ardeidae: Based on a comparison of UCEs of more than 90% of extant species, Hruska et al. (2023) provided an updated phylogeny of the herons. (abstract) The authors corroborated most existing phylogenetic assumptions, but the genera Ardea, Botaurus, Gorsachius, and Ixobrychus proved to be non-monophyletic. Moreover, the New Guinean Zonerodius heliosylus, which was not considered in earlier molecular studies, turned out to be either closely related to or part of the genus Ardeola. The authors proposed an updated taxonomy of the family Ardeidae. They did not, however, provide a timetree. I adjusted my ardeid phylogeny and taxonomy according to their results.
December 27, 2022
Coraciimorphae, Piciformes, Picidae: Sangster et al. (2022) proposed to restrict the woodpecker subfamily Picumninae to Picumnus, and to place Sasia and Verreauxia in the newly proposed subfamily Sasiinae. (free pdf) As I anticipated these changes, no rearrangements are necessary in my picid timetree.
November 04, 2022
General information: van den Burg & Vieites (2022), in a partly parallel study to Sangster & Luksenburg (2021), checked all available GenBank CytB records of Aves for consistency. In their study, the authors flagged 1336 erroneous records (wrong taxonomies, voucher errors, contaminations, hybridisation/introgression/ILS, numts, sequencing errors, suspicious sequences, and unclear reasons). Five tables are provided as supporting information (S1: GenBank records identified as erroneous, S2: Nomenclature changes made to original GenBank assignments, S3: summary statistics of the curated database, S4: species in need of expert re-assessment or consisting of more than one species, S5: GenBank records with uncertain taxonomy tags). (free pdf)
October 20, 2022
Passeriformes, Passerides, Muscicapida, Muscicapidae: Zhao et al. (2023) provided an updated timetree of the speciose family Muscicapidae, comprising the Old World flycatchers, robins, and chats. The study covered all genera and 92% species. Four well-defined subfamilies (Muscicapinae, Niltavinae, Cossyphinae, and Saxicolinae) are corroborated. Taxonomic changes are proposed for six genera (Muscicapa, Vauriella, Cercotrichas, Sheppardia, Cossypha, and Myrmecocichla). (link)
October 06, 2022
Anseriformes, Anatidae, Oxyurinae: Based on a phylogenetic analysis of mitogenomic data, Wuitchik et al. (2022) provided a partial cladogram of Oxyurinae (excluding Nomonyx dominicus, which is sister to Oxyura). According to their results, Stictonetta naevosa is sister to Heteronetta atricapilla, and these species in turn are sister to the genus Oxyura. Nettapus auritus is considered sister to the remaining oxyurines. (link) I rearranged my anatid timetree accordingly.
June 06, 2022
Strisores, Caprimulgidae (nightjars): Based on plumage, vocalisations, and mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences, Sangster et al. (2022) proposed to recognise five species of eared nightjars, genus Lyncornis. However, I prefer to accept only four species (L. cerviniceps, L. macropterus, L. macrotis, and L. temminckii), to the exclusion of L. jacobsoni. The latter is distinguished only by plumage characters, but neither by vocalisation nor CytB sequences. In my view, this population, which is endemic to the Simeulue Island off western Sumatra, does not even deserve subspecies status. (link)
June 04, 2022
Passeriformes, Corvides, Orioloidea: Sangster et al. (2022) proposed two new family-group names, Erpornithidae and Pteruthiidae, for the Asian Erpornis zantholeuca and Pteruthius. These taxa represent successive sister groups of the New World vireos (Vireonidae). The new families were proposed by the authors in the name of nomenclatural stability, even though they were aware that the new family-level taxa are relatively young. Reluctantly, I adopted the proposed changes in my passeriform timetree. (link)
April 15, 2022
Higher phylogeny: I adopted the supraordinal clade-names proposed by Sangster et al. (2022). However, I do not follow their concept of Columbimorphae, since this is discordant with the results of Kuhl et al. (2021). (link)
January 20, 2022
(Chrono-) Taxonomy: I added this page in order to provide an overview of systematics’ subdisciplines, and to present a new species concept, including delimitation approach.
November 14, 2021
General information: Ornithologists interested in the postzygotic mechanisms underlying speciation will be fascinated by the obervations of Jagannathan & Yamashita (2021) in Drosophila flies (link). The researchers from Cambridge (MA) discovered that the widely observed pronounced divergence of satellite DNA even between closely related species causes reproductive isolation. An overview of the intracellular processes involved is provided by Eva Frederick. (link)
October 23, 2021
Passeriformes, Tyranni, Furnariida, Myrmotheridae, Grallariinae: In two large-scale companion papers, Isler et al. (2020) and Chesser et al. (2020) investigated the Rufous-Antpitta complex, which is part of the Neotropical genus Grallaria. The first study focused on vocalisations, the second on DNA sequences (one mitochondrial gene and three introns of nuclear genes). Traditionally considered to comprise only two species (G. rufula and G. blakei), the authors propose that 16 cryptic species are involved, including G. rufocinerea, a species that has not previously been considered part of the species complex [The impressive co-studies pinpoint the key challenges that taxonomists are facing when trying to delimit species. As long as variations in plumage, vocalisation, and DNA profile coincide, species delimitation is unequivocal. This seems to be the rule rather than the exception. Species limits remain uncertain and debatable, however, when data sources yield contradictory results. In the studies, this was encountered on three occasions in two forms: In two cases (rufula 1+ rufula 3; rufula 2 + rufula 5) mitochondrial DNA as well as molecular species delimitation indicated the existence of two separate lineages while vocalisation indicated the existence of only one. In the other case (obscura 2 + obscura 3) molecular species delimitation indicated the existence of only one lineage while vocalisations indicated the existence of two. How to resolve this dilemma? There is no conclusive answer to this question, because there are no rules how to proceed. The authors decided to give preference to vocalisation, proposing two "rufula" and two “obscura” species. [Error spotting: in Fig. 5, two undisputed species, "blakei 2" and "blakei 3", should have been represented as two separate bGMYC groups, not one. My family-level passeriform timetree is not affected.]
October 20, 2021
Palaeognathae, Struthioniformes, Tinamidae: Almeida et al. (2021) provided an updated timetree of tinamous, based (for most species) on sequences of three mitochondrial and five nuclear loci. The authors considered all currently recognised genera, and 32 out of 45 species. They found two genera, Nothura and Nothoprocta, to be non-monophyletic. However, a revised classification was not yet proposed. The age of crown-Tinamidae was estimated between 31 and 40 million years. [My palaeognath timetree is updated accordingly.]
September 29, 2021
General information: Sangster & Luksenburg (2021) (pdf) reanalysed 1,559 published avian mitogenome sequences, partial or complete, in order to evaluate their authenticity. Using markers based on three protein-coding genes of conspecifics, they found that 5% of these mitogenomes were problematic (see also Päckert, 2021). Most importantly, the authors propose a set of measures that might serve as a new standard for publishing mitogenome sequences. [The scientific community should be grateful to the authors for highlighting an apparently widespread problem and for providing guidelines for improval.]
September 25, 2021
Charadriiformes: Černý & Natale (2021) provided a timetree of shorebirds that was based on total evidence. Taking into account only pre-existing data, their study should rather be considered a compilation. The authors point to a number of taxa of uncertain placement (e.g. Pluvialis, Turnix/Ortyxelos, Double-banded Courser, and major lineages of Laridae) and critically reevaluate divergence times. [For the time being I will not change the existing timetrees.]
September 25, 2021
Passeriformes, Tyranni (suboscines): Last year, Harvey et al. (2020) provided a comprehensive study of suboscine phylogeny, covering 1,287 species. Oddly, a high-resolution timetree is accessible only from the first authors homepage (hi-res tree). The best way, however, to access the data is via John Boyd´s “TiF” homepage ( [My family-level passeriform timetree is not affected.]
September 24, 2021
Passeriformes, Tyranni, Furnariida: Gaudin et al. (2021) found that according to the rule of priority the name of the antpitta clade should be Myrmotheridae instead of Grallariidae.