The taxon is represented by ~220 species in the following families.
Family-level timetree of extant Strigiformes based on Stiller et al. (2024), with the distribution of each taxon
being indicated by the colour-code used throughout this website (Distribution code). Crown-group ages are indicated by green bars with terminal orange stars.
Genus-level timetree of extant Strigiformes, with the distribution of each taxon being indicated by the colour-code used throughout this website (Distribution code).
Provisional genus-level classification of extant Strigiformes.
Dantas SM, Weckstein JD, Bates JM, Krabbe NK, Cadena CD, Robbins MB, Valderrama E, and Aleixo A (2016), Molecular systematics of the new world screech-owls (Megascops: Aves, Strigidae): biogeographic and taxonomic implications, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 94, 626-634. (free reading)
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Kang H, Li B, Ma X, and Xu Y (2018), Evolutionary progression of mitochondrial gene rearrangements and phylogenetic relationships in Strigidae (Strigiformes), Gene 674, 8-14. (abstract)
Koparde P, Mehta P, Reddy S, Ramakrishnan U, Mukherjee S, and Robin VV (2018), The critically endangered forest owlet Heteroglaux blewetti is nested within the currently recognized Athene clade: a century-old debate addressed, PLoS ONE 13, e:0192359. (pdf)
Kuhl H, Frankl-Vilches C, Bakker A, Mayr G, Nikolaus G, Boerno ST, Klages S, Timmermann B, and Gahr M (2021), An unbiased molecular approach using 3'UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life, Mol. Biol. Evol. 38, 108-127. (free pdf)
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Miranda HC, Kennedy RS, and Mindell DP (1997), Phylogenetic placement of Mimizuku gurneyi (Aves: Strigidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA, Auk 114, 315-323. (author pdf)
Miranda HC, Brooks DM, and Kennedy RS (2011), Phylogeny and taxonomic review of Philippine lowland scops owls (Strigiformes): parallel diversification of highland and lowland clades, Wilson J. Ornith. 123, 441-453. (abstract)
Park CE, Kim MC, Ibal JCP, Pham HQ, Park HC, and Shin JH (2019), The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Otus bakkamoena (Aves, Strigiformes, Strigidae), Mitochondrial DNA Part B 4, 775-776. (pdf)
Salter JF, Oliveros CH, Hosner PA, Manthey JD, Robbins MB, Moyle RG, Brumfield RT, and Faircloth BC (2020), Extensive paraphyly in the typical owl family (Strigidae), Auk 137, e:ukz070. (free pdf)
Stiller J, Feng S, Chowdhury AA, Rivas-González I, Duchêne DA, Fang Q, Deng Y, Kozlov A, Stamatakis A, Claramunt S, Nguyen JMT, Ho SYW, Faircloth BC, Haag J, Houde P, Cracraft J, Balaban M, Mai U, Chen G, Gao R, Zhou C, Xie Y, Huang Z, Cao Z, Yan Z, Ogilvie HA, Nakhleh L, Lindow B, Morel B, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, da Fonseca RR, Petersen B, Tobias JA, Székely T, Kennedy JD, Reeve AH, Liker A, Stervander M, Antunes A, Tietze DT, Bertelsen M, Lei F, Rahbek C, Graves GR, Schierup MH, Warnow T, Braun EL, Gilbert MTP, Jarvis ED, Mirarab S, and Zhang G (2024), Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes, Nature 629, 851-860. (pdf)
Sun X, Zhou W, Sun Z, Qian L, Zhang Y, Pan T, and Zhang B (2016), The complete mitochondrial genome of Glaucidium brodiei (Strigiformes: Strigidae), Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27, 2508-09. (abstract)
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Wang Y, Zhan H, Zhang Y, Long Z, and Yang X (2023), Mitochondrial genome analysis, phylogeny and divergence time evaluation of Strix aluco (Aves, Strigiformes, Strigidae), Biodiv. Data J. 11, e:101942. (free pdf)
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Wood JR, Mitchell KJ, Scofield RP, de Pietri VL, Rawlence NJ, and Cooper A (2017), Phylogenetic relationships and terrestrial adaptations of the extinct Laughing Owl, Sceloglaux albifacies (Aves: Strigidae), Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 179, 907-918. (abstract)