Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)

Phylogenetic placement: Tyranni: Tyrannides: Tyrannida

Distribution: Central and South America

Number of extant genera: ~85

Number of extant species: ~342


Areta JI, Mangini G, Gandoy F, and Pearman M (2021), Notes on the nesting of the Rough-legged Tyrannulet (Phyllomyias burmeisteri): phylogenetic value and the importance of taxonomic tracking of natural history data, Ornitol. Neotrop. 32, 56-61. (pdf)

Chaves AV, Clozato CL, Lacerda DR, Sari EHR, and Santos FR (2008), Molecular taxonomy of Brazilian tyrant-flycatchers (Passeriformes: Tyrannidae), Mol. Ecol. Resour. 8, 1169-77. (abstract)

Chesser RT, Harvey MG, Brumfield RT, and Derryberry EP (2020), A revised classification of the Xolmiini (Aves: Tyrannidae: Fluvicolinae), including a new genus for Muscisaxicola fluviatilis, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 133, 35-48. (journal abstract) (author pdf)

Cuervo AM, Stiles FG, Lentino M, Brumfield RT, and Derryberry EP (2014), Geographic variation and phylogenetic relationships of Myiopagis olallai (Aves: Passeriformes; Tyrannidae), with the description of two new taxa from the Northern Andes, Zootaxa 3873, 1-24. (abstract)

Derryberry EP, Claramunt S, Derryberry G, Chesser RT, Cracraft J, Aleixo A, Pérez-Emán J, Remsen JV, and Brumfield RT (2011), Lineage diversification and morphological evolution in a large-scale continental tradition: the Neotropical ovenbirds and woodcreepers (Aves: Furnariidae), Evolution 65, 2973-86. (free pdf)

d’Horta FM, Cuervo AM, Ribas CC, Brumfield RT, and Miyaki CY (2013), Phylogeny and comparative phylogeography of Sclerurus (Aves: Furnariidae) reveal constant and cryptic diversification in an old radiation of rain forest understorey specialists, J. Biogeogr. 40, 37-49. (abstract)

DuBay SG, and Witt CC (2012), An improved phylogeny of the Andean tit-tyrants (Aves, Tyrannidae): More characters trump sophisticated analyses, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 64, 285-296. (abstract)

Ericson PGP, Zuccon D, Ohlson JI, Johannson US, Alvarenga A, and Prum RO (2006), Higher-level phylogeny and morphological evolution of tyrant flycatchers, cotingas, manakins, and their allies (Aves: Tyrannida), Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 40, 471-483. (abstract)

Fjeldså J, Ohlson JI, Batalha-Filho H, Ericson PGP, and Irestedt M (2018), Rapid expansion and diversification into new niche space by fluvicoline flycatchers, J. Avian Biol. 49, e:01661. (free reading)

Franz I, Alvares DJ, and Borges-Martins M (2020), Species limits in the Tawny-crowned Pygmy-tyrant Euscarthmus meloryphus complex (Aves: Passeriformes: Tyrannidae), Zootaxa 4809, 475-495. (abstract)

Harvey MG, Bravo GA, Claramunt S, Cuervo AM, Derryberry GE, Battilana J, Seeholzer GF, McKay JS, O'Meara BC, Faircloth BC, Edwards SV, Perez-Eman J, Moyle RG, Sheldon FH, Aleixo A, Smith BT, Chesser RT, Silveira LF, Cracraft J, Brumfield RT, and Derryberry EP (2020), The evolution of a tropical biodiversity hotspot, Science 370, 1343-48. (pdf) (hi-res tree)

Hosner PA, and Moyle RG (2012), A molecular phylogeny of black-tyrants (Tyrannidae: Knipolegus) reveals strong geographic patterns and homoplasy in plumage and display behavior, Auk 129, 156-167. (free pdf)

Irestedt M, Fjeldså J, Dalén L, and Ericson PGP (2009), Convergent evolution, habitat shifts and variable diversification rates in the ovenbird-woodcreeper family (Furnariidae), BMC Evol. Biol. 9, e:268. (free pdf)

Jordan EA, and Areta JI (2024), Biogeography, speciation and niche evolution in doraditos (Aves: Pseudocolopteryx), Zool. Scr. 53, 395-413. (abstract)

Jordan EA, Tello JG, Benítez Saldívar MJ, and Areta JI (2021), Molecular phylogenetics of Doraditos (Aves, Pseudocolopteryx): Evolution of cryptic species, vocal and mechanical sounds, Zool. Scr. 50, 173-192. (journal abstract) (author pdf)

Kuhl H, Frankl-Vilches C, Bakker A, Mayr G, Nikolaus G, Boerno ST, Klages S, Timmermann B, and Gahr M (2021), An unbiased molecular approach using 3'UTRs resolves the avian family-level tree of life, MolBiolEvol. 38, 108-127. (free pdf)

Lavinia PD, Escalante P, Tubaro PL, and Lijtmaer DA (2021), Molecular phylogenetics and phenotypic reassessment of the Ramphotrigon flycatchers: deep paraphyly in the context of an intriguing biogeographic scenario, J. Avian Biol. 2020, e:02314. (pdf)

Lopes LE, Chaves AV, Mendes de Aquino M, Silveira LF, and Rodrigues dos Santos F (2017), The striking polyphyly of Suiriri: Convergent evolution and social mimicry in two cryptic Neotropical birds, J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 56, 270-279. (abstract)

Ohlson J, Fjeldså J, and Ericson PGP (2008), Tyrant flycatchers coming out in the open: phylogeny and ecological radiation of Tyrannidae (Aves, Passeriformes), Zool. Scr. 37, 315-335. (abstract)

Ohlson JI, Irestedt M, Fjeldså J, and Ericson PGP (2012), Nuclear DNA from a 180-year-old study skin reveals the phylogenetic position of the Kinglet Calyptura Calyptura cristata (Passeriformes: Tyrannides), Ibis 154, 533-541. (journal abstract) (author pdf)

Ohlson JI, Irestedt M, Ericson PGP, and Fjeldså J (2013), Phylogeny and classification of the New World suboscines (Aves, Passeriformes), Zootaxa 3613, 1-35. (pdf)

Ohlson JI, Irestedt M, Batalha Filho H, and Ericson PGP (2020), A revised classification of the fluvicoline flycatchers (Passeriformes, Tyrannidae, Fluvicolinae), Zootaxa 4747, 167-176. (pdf)

Oliveros CH, Field DJ, Ksepka DT, Barker KF, Aleixo A, Andersen MJ, Alström P, Benz BW, Braun EL, Braun MJ, Bravo GA, Brumfield RT, Chesser RT, Claramunt S, Cracraft J, Cuervo AM, Derryberry EP, Glenn TC, Harvey MG, Hosner PA, Joseph L, Kimball RT, Mack AL, Miskelly CM, Peterson AT, Robbins MB, Sheldon FH, Silveira LF, Smith BT, White ND, Moyle RG, and Faircloth BC (2019), Earth history and the passerine superradiation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 116, 7915-25. (pdf)

Parra-Hernández RM, Posada-Quintero JI, Acevedo-Charry O, and Posada-Quintero HF (2020), Uniform manifold approximation and projection for clustering taxa through vocalizations in a Neotropical passerine (Rough-legged Tyrannulet, Phyllomyias burmeisteri), Animals 10, e:1406. (free pdf)

Rheindt FE, Norman JA, and Christidis L (2008), Phylogenetic relationships of tyrant-flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannidae), with an emphasis on the elaeniine assemblage, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 46, 88-101. (abstract)

Rheindt FE, Fujita MK, Wilton PR, and Edwards SV (2013), Introgression and phenotypic assimilation in Zimmerius flycatchers (Tyrannidae): population genetic and phylogenetic inferences from genome-wide SNPs, Syst. Biol. 63, 134-152. (free pdf)

Sabat P, Maldonado K, Canals M, and Martinez del Rio C (2006), Osmoregulation and adaptive radiation in the ovenbird genus Cinclodes (Passeriformes: Furnariidae), Funct. Ecol. 20, 799-805. (pdf)

Seeholzer GF, Claramunt S, and Brumfield RT (2021), Niche evolution and diversification in a Neotropical radiation of birds (Aves: Furnariidae), Evolution 71, 702-715. (abstract)

Simões CC, Cerqueira PV, Peloso P, and Aleixo A (2021), Integrative taxonomy of Flatbill Flycatchers (Tyrannidae) reveals a new species from the Amazonian lowlands, Zool. Scr. 51, 41-57. (pdf)

Stiller J, Feng S, Chowdhury AA, Rivas-González I, Duchêne DA, Fang Q, Deng Y, Kozlov A, Stamatakis A, Claramunt S, Nguyen JMT, Ho SYW, Faircloth BC, Haag J, Houde P, Cracraft J, Balaban M, Mai U, Chen G, Gao R, Zhou C, Xie Y, Huang Z, Cao Z, Yan Z, Ogilvie HA, Nakhleh L, Lindow B, Morel B, Fjeldså J, Hosner PA, da Fonseca RR, Petersen B, Tobias JA, Székely T, Kennedy JD, Reeve AH, Liker A, Stervander M, Antunes A, Tietze DT, Bertelsen M, Lei F, Rahbek C, Graves GR, Schierup MH, Warnow T, Braun EL, Gilbert MTP, Jarvis ED, Mirarab S, and Zhang G (2024), Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes, Nature (preview pdf)

Tang Q, Edwards SV, and Rheindt FE (2018), Rapid diversification and hybridization have shaped the dynamic history of the genus Elaenia, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 127, 522-533. (abstract)

Tello JG, Moyle RG, Marchese DJ, and Cracraft J (2009), Phylogeny and phylogenetic classification of the tyrant flycatchers, cotingas, manakins, and their allies (Aves: Tyrannides), Cladistics 25, 429-467. (pdf)

Zucker MR, Harvey MG, Oswald JA, Cuervo A, Derryberry E, and Brumfield RT (2016), The Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (Phaeomyias murina) is a species complex that includes the Cocos Flycatcher (Nesotriccus ridgwayi), an island form that underwent a population bottleneck, Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 101, 294-302. (abstract)